中心成員 Members

主任 Director
魏廣晧 Stacey Wei
魏廣晧 Stacey Wei
聯絡電話 TEL:03-8906659 / 03-8905169
電子郵件 Email:staceywei@gms.ndhu.edu.tw
- 藝文中心工作計畫擬定
- 藝文中心業務規劃及工作督導
- 藝文中心審議委員會召集人
- Development of the Arts Center's work plan
- Business planning and work supervision of the Arts Center
- Convener of the Arts Center Review Committee
助理 Assistant
周葦綸 Valen Chou
周葦綸 Valen Chou
聯絡電話 TEL:03-8906606
電子郵件 Email:valen0810@gms.ndhu.edu.tw
- 藝術季活動規劃
- 藝文中心公文收發
- 藝文中心年度預算規劃與帳務核銷
- 藝文中心空間與設備管理
- 藝文中心網頁製作與維護
- 各項活動接洽、聯繫、流程工作表等業務辦理
- 各項活動執行:包含活動經費、活動設備及場地申請、交通住宿安排、彩排協助等相關事項聯繫
- 各項活動文宣設計與宣傳
- 各項活動結案報告資料整理
- 工讀生訓練
- 一般行政事務辦理
- 其他交辦事項
- Planning of Arts Festival activities
- Receiving and sending official documents for the Arts Center
- Annual budget planning and accounting verification for the Arts Center
- Management of Arts Center spaces and equipment
- Webpage creation and maintenance for the Arts Center
- Handling various event coordination, communications, and process workflows
- Execution of events: including event funding, equipment and venue applications, transportation and accommodation arrangements, rehearsal assistance, and related contacts
- Design and promotion of event publicity materials
- Compilation of event final reports
- Training of student workers
- Handling general administrative tasks
- Other assigned duties