📢⪦ 2024東華秋藝季:紐約爵士女聲 Aubrey Johnson
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紐約爵士女聲 Aubrey Johnson
New York Jazz Vocalist Aubrey Johnson
▸地點Venue:藝術學院音樂廳 NDHU Concert Hall, College of The Arts
歌手Vocal|歐柏莉.強森Aubrey Johnson
鋼琴Piano|許郁瑛 Yuying Hsu
⛔ 請注意:18:30開放入場,場地座位限400人,座位額滿即不再開放入場 ⛔
Please note:The admission time is 18:30, and this event is limited to 400 participants. The admission will be closed once the spots are full.
⚠ 跨域自主學習系統(非入場證明,不強制登錄,有參與的觀眾皆可獲得時數):https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/XSL_ApplyRWD/ActAnnounce.aspx?ActID=23384
⚠ Campus Activities Reservation System(Optional, non registered audience is welcome to participate in this event, and the hours will also be offered.)
10月的多場爵士盛宴還聽的不夠過癮嗎?身為爵士愛好者的你絕對不能錯過11月唯一一場爵士演出!東華秋藝季再度邀請到來自紐約的重量級爵士女伶-Aubrey Johnson來到東華大學音樂廳,曾三度獲得美國爵士權威雜誌《DownBeat》的學院學生音樂獎,包含兩次傑出表現獎(2007年,2010年)及最佳爵士歌手獎(2008年)的她,這次將會為大家帶來什麼樣的爵士歌曲呢?
Aubrey Johnson,畢業於新英格蘭音樂學院的爵士表演音樂碩士,是紐約的歌手、作曲家和教育家,其風格紮根於爵士、巴西音樂和具創造力的當代音樂。Aubrey生於威斯康辛州的音樂世家,很小的時候就愛上音樂,也開始在教堂裡唱歌並上古典鋼琴課。長大後師事勞倫斯大學教授Christine Salerno,開啟了她對即興音樂的新發現,促使她攻讀Vocal Jazz Performance學位,也激發了她對巴西音樂的最初興趣,對她的之後作品產生了重大影響。Aubrey的表演和教學遍及美國、加拿大、中南美洲、歐洲和亞洲。目前在紐約市皇后學院(Queens College)教授爵士音樂課程外,2011年加入伯克利音樂學院(Berklee College of Music)任教,為歌手講授即興演奏、爵士風格和節奏部分技巧的私人配音課程,成為他們目前最年輕的語音老師,並於2012加入新英格蘭音樂學院,擔任該校聲樂爵士樂團的總監。
歡迎大家晚上七點藝起到藝術學院音樂廳,必能享受到一場愜意的爵士晚宴 😍
Didn't get enough of the jazz feasts in October? Being a jazz lover, you definitely cannot miss the only jazz performance in November! The NDHU Autumn Festival once again invites the renowned jazz vocalist from New York, Aubrey Johnson, to perform at the NDHU Music Hall. Having won the prestigious DownBeat Magazine Collegiate Student Music Award three times, including two Outstanding Performance Awards (2007, 2010) and the Best Jazz Vocalist Award (2008), what kind of jazz selections will she bring to us this time?
Aubrey Johnson, a graduate with a Masters degree in Jazz Performance from the New England Conservatory, is a New York-based singer, composer, and educator. Her style is deeply rooted in jazz, Brazilian music, and creative contemporary music. Aubrey was born into a musical family in Wisconsin. She fell in love with music at a young age, began to sing in church, and took classical piano lessons. After growing up, she studied under Professor Christine Salerno at Lawrence University, which led to her new discovery of improvisational music. This inspired her to pursue a degree in Vocal Jazz Performance and sparked her initial interest in Brazilian music, which would go on to have a significant influence on her later works. Her performing and teaching has taken her throughout the US and Canada, South America, Europe, and Asia. Currently, she teaches jazz music courses at Queens College in New York City. In 2011, she joined the faculty at Berklee College of Music, where she offers private voice lessons in improvisation, jazz style, and rhythmic techniques for singers, becoming one of the youngest voice instructors there. In 2012, she also joined the New England Conservatory as the director of the school's vocal jazz ensemble.
Welcome to join us at 7 p.m. at the music hall of College of the Arts for an enjoyable jazz night that is sure to delight!
‣ 1分30秒短片認識藝文中心:https://youtu.be/sNegrMONrzI
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