
📢 2024東華春藝季 特魯爾鋼琴獨奏會~冰火交融

🚩2024 東華春藝季:
* 活動日期因演出者行程變更,原定5/24更改為提前一天演出。
Time| 24.05.2024 (Thu.) 19:00
Venue|NDHU Concert Hall, College of The Arts
Performer|Natalia Trull

⛔ 請注意:18:30開放入場,場地座位限400人,座位額滿即不再開放入場 ⛔ 
⛔ 場館內禁止飲食,請勿攜帶食物 ⛔

⚠ 跨域自主學習系統(活動提醒,非強制登錄,歡迎未登錄的觀眾參與,也可以獲得時數):https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/XSL_ApplyRWD/ActAnnounce.aspx?ActID=21506

娜塔莉雅.特魯爾Natalia Trull為俄國鋼琴學派的代表性人物,也是當今女鋼琴家中的佼佼者。
演出曲目: *鋼琴家保留曲目微調之可能
海頓 F小調行板與變奏,作品Hon. XVII/6
Haydn Andante with variations in f minor Hob. XVII/6
貝多芬 C小調鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品111
Beethoven Piano sonata op.111 in c minor
蕭邦 升F大調船歌,作品60
Chopin Barcarole op.60 in F sharp major
拉威爾 庫普蘭之墓
Ravel “Le tombeau de Couperin”, suite for piano

🚩Natalia Trull Piano Recital - The Blend of Ice and Fire

⛔Please note:The admission time is 18:30, and this event is limited to 400 participants. The admission will be closed once the spots are filled. Eating and drinking are prohibited in the venue, please DO NOT bring your food or drinks to this event.⛔

⚠Campus Activities Reservation System(Optional, non registered audience is welcome to participate in this event, and the hours will also be offered.)

Natalia Trull is a representative figure of the Russian piano school, and also the cream of the crop among today’s female pianists.

Graduated from Moscow Conservatory, Natalia Trull received recognitions from many international piano competitions, which include the first prize of Belgrade International Piano Competition in 1983, the silver medal at the Tchaikovsky International Piano Competition, and the Grand Prix at the Piano Masters Competition in Monte-Carlo with a jury composed of pianists, music agents, and music critics. Because of brilliant skills and broad and rich music style, she is also awarded the love and compliments around the world. This time, this incredible person is going to bring a piano recital in the music hall of College of the Arts on May 23.

In this concert, Trull will perform the compositions by four composers, which are Haydn, Beethoven, Chopin, and Ravel, and use these works to lead us through different emotional worlds, to let us feel the power and emotions in the notes.

Welcome to the concert hall to travel through the time and space of music and explore the beautiful intersection of ice and fire.

Program:*The pianist reserves the right to adjust the program.
Haydn Andante with variations in f minor Hob. XVII/6
Beethoven Piano sonata op.111 in c minor

Chopin Barcarole op.60 in F sharp major
Ravel “Le tombeau de Couperin”, suite for piano



‣ 1分30秒短片認識藝術中心:https://youtu.be/sNegrMONrzI
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‣ 藝術中心Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/artscenter_ndhu/
‣ 藝術中心網站:https://artscenter.ndhu.edu.tw/index.php
‣ 藝術中心線上期刊:https://issuu.com/ndhu_artscenter

如有任何問題,歡迎洽詢  電話:03-8906604、6606
