📢⪦ 2024東華秋藝季:德國呂北克的跨界單簧管與三重奏 ILJA RUF TRIO feat. Bernd Ruf

#蘇打綠錄製專輯《冬 未了》的指揮家來啦!
#蘇打綠錄製專輯《冬 未了》的指揮家來啦!
#蘇打綠錄製專輯《冬 未了》的指揮家來啦!

🚩2024 東華秋藝季:
德國呂北克的跨界單簧管與三重奏  ILJA RUF TRIO feat. Bernd Ruf

▸時間:10/09 (三) 19:00
▸演出:ILJA RUF TRIO feat. Bernd Ruf
             Clarinet, Soprano Saxophone|Bernd Ruf
             Piano, Vocals, Composition|Ilja Ruf
             Bass| Niklas Müller
             Drums|Hannes Pries

⛔ 請注意:18:30開放入場,場地座位限400人,座位額滿即不再開放入場 ⛔ 
Please note:The admission time is 18:30, and this event is limited to 400 participants. The admission will be closed once the spots are full.

⚠ 跨域自主學習系統(非入場證明,不強制登錄,有參與的觀眾皆可獲得時數):https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/XSL_ApplyRWD/ActAnnounce.aspx?ActID=22681
⚠ Campus Activities Reservation System(Optional, non registered audience is welcome to participate in this event, and the hours will also be offered.)


2024東華秋藝季第一場表演迎來來自德國的單簧管演奏家Bernd Ruf,攜手由音樂家Ilja Ruf、貝斯手Niklas Müller及鼓手Hannes Pries所組成的ILJA RUF三重奏,在10月9日來到國立東華大學的藝術學院音樂廳帶來前所未有的跨界流行音樂會!

曾兩度參與台中爵士音樂節的Bernd Ruf被視為將古典樂、交響樂與流行音樂結合的先驅之一,他曾作為指揮率領GermanPops Orchestra樂團錄製了蘇打綠《冬 未了》這張專輯,也曾為蘇打錄的鋼琴手阿龔錄製個人專輯,甚至大多數德國製作的遊戲音軌也都是由他指揮。古典音樂不僅悄然融入流行音樂,甚至也成為了遊戲音樂的一部分!



The first show of the 2024 NDHU Autumn Arts Festival is performed by a German clarinetist, Bernd Ruf, with ILJA RUF TRIO, which includes musician Ilja Ruf, bassist Niklas Müller, and drummer Hannes Pries. They will bring an unprecedented crossover pop concert to the music hall of NDHU College of the Arts on October 9th!

Having participated in Taichung Jazz Festival twice, Bernd Ruf is regarded as one of the pioneers in combining classical and symphonic music with popular genres. He was the conductor of GermanPops Orchestra in recording the album “Winter Endless”for Sodagreen, but has also recorded a solo album for Sodagreen’s pianist, Kung Yu-Chi. Additionally, most of the game soundtracks produced in Germany were conducted by him. Classical music can subtly infiltrate into Pop music and even become part of game soundtracks!

Still feeling distant from classical music? If so, you should definitely join this “crossover”classical trio concert! Let the Arts Center sweep away the back-to-school blues for you!



‣ 1分30秒短片認識藝文中心:https://youtu.be/sNegrMONrzI
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